- (School) How to Flag a User in Planner
- (Admin) Enabling and Disabling Clinical Categories
- (Instructor) Student Progress Report
- (Instructor) Reports
- (Admin) Adding Skills to a Cohort/Class after Cohort Creation
- Configure Grid Options
- Dropped Transfer Students and Reports
- (Instructor) Requesting Permissions be Added to your Account
- (Admin) Controlling Instructor Permissions
- (Admin) Creating a School Clinical Site
- (Admin) Adding Contracts to School Clinical Sites
- (Admin) Changing Skill Requirements after Cohort Creation
- Formative vs. Competency [EMS]
- (Admin) Adding Contracts to Shared Sites
- (Instructor) Class Test Results [Testing]
- (School) Enabling Platinum Planner (Creating and Cloning Planner Cohorts) and Publishing a Cohort
- (Instructor) Viewing and Printing Skill Forms
- (Preceptor) Accessing Your Account and Password Creation
- (School/Clinical Shared Site) Creating a Shared Site
- (Admin) Assessment Testing: Enrollment, Viewing Tests, Approving/Declining Students
- (Admin/Instructor) Form Sharing
- Adding a Visitor to a Shared Site Schedule
- (School) SMC 23 Age Group Definitions
- (Administrator/ Instructor) Cohort Report
- AccredAssist Information
- (Student) Skill Progress Changed when Documentation was Returned
- (Student) SMC 2023 Student Clinical and Simulation Documentation
- (School) SMC 2023 Introduction and Cohort Setup Paramedic [EMS]
- (Instructor) Lab/Opportunity Batches Missing/Unable to Edit
- (Clinical Site User) View Supervisors