Platinum Educational Group has Technology Enhanced Items (TEI) questions available in our question banks and the ability for instructors to create their own.
Note: As new styles of TEI questions are added by the National Registry, our education and development teams will continue to update our website and test banks accordingly and as quickly as possible.
Many TEI questions require a select all that apply question format, so we have added the ability for instructors to create that type of question with up to 8 answer choices.
B. How to Create Select All that Apply Questions.
A. What are TEI Questions?
Technology Enhanced Questions refer to the format of a test item that uses computer technology to simulate situations encountered in clinical practice. This can include both select all that apply questions and standard multiple choice questions.
B. How to Create a Select All that Apply Questions:
1. In your Instructor role for EMSTesting, click the tab Manage Questions.
2. On the top right, click the button New Question.
3. Enter the Question Text.
4. Click the drop-down for the Answer Type and click Select All That Apply.
5. Adjust the dial for the Number of Answers.
6. Enter the answer options.
7. Check the boxes for all the answers that are correct.
8. Optional: Add text for the Annotation and Student Review.
Question Reference ID: This is where you can assign an individualized reference identifier for your question. When building your tests, this will allow you to pull that specific question onto a test when utilizing the “Pull Questions By Text, Keyword, or ID” option.
Question Bank: The drop-down will indicate the bank the question is in our program. Many users will have only one option.
School: The drop-down will allow active instructors in multiple institutions to decide which school their question will belong to. If you are associated with only one school, you will have only one option.
Status: The drop-down allows you to adjust the status of your question.
Note: your question must be marked as "Active" to be pulled onto a test.
Cut Score: the drop-down assigns the appropriate cut score for your question. If you need help determining the appropriate score for your question, please check out our article What is Cut Score, found here.
Bloom Level: The drop-down assigns the appropriate Bloom level for your question. If you need help finding the appropriate level, please take a look at our article What is Bloom Level? found here.
Reading Level: To determine the reading level for your question, click the "[re-calc]" link, and the program will calculate your reading grade level.
Scenario Question: If you check the box marking your questions as Scenario Question when applicable, you will be able to utilize the "Scenario Based Questions" sort when building your tests.
CAT Enabled: You can mark your question as CAT Enabled if you would like to build your own school's bank for students to test in while practicing with the computer adaptive tests.
On this tab, you can attach specific words or phrases to your questions to make it easier to locate your questions. For example, if you are adding multiple questions into the program for a specific test you can add a keyword like the name of the test (ex. "Airway1" or "Anatomy") to all of those questions. Then, when you are building your test, you can perform a search using the “Pull Questions By Text, Keyword, or ID” option, with your assigned keyword, and pull all of your questions with one search.
On this tab, you will cross-reference your question to the topic area(s) the question relates to. Questions can be associated with multiple objectives in multiple curriculums.
*Note: Your question must have at least one curriculum assigned to it for you to be able to pull it onto a test of that provider level. It does not have to be correct, but something needs to be added.
1. Choose Program Type from the drop-down.
Note: If you choose "N/A," you will not be able to complete the process of adding a curriculum and, therefore, will not be able to pull the questions onto a test.
2. Select the Provider Level to choose which students the question will be appropriate for.
3. Select the Curriculum.
4. Select the Curriculum Level. Once you have made your selections, be sure to click the Add Curriculum button. You can add additional Curricula where appropriate.
5. Save
Once you have completed these steps, you can pull your questions onto a test.