(Instructor) Grade Book Settings

The Grade Book tab is where you enter the values that you would like the program to use to
automatically grade your tests and populate the grade book for the class.

Note: This is very important to do before students begin testing. If this tab is not filled out or filled out incorrectly it can result in students seeing incomplete or inaccurate grades.


Class Passing Percentage*: The percentage the student must have in order to pass this class as a whole. 


Grading Method *: Raw Scores are a straight percentage of questions answered correctly. Cut Score-based grading considers the difficulty of the material being tested on, grades the students accordingly, and is a far more accurate representation of student competency levels.


Test Type: Quiz, Test, Module Exam, and Final. This refers back to the Test Type when creating exams.  You can edit what the type is called in the grade book, but be aware that the new name will refer back to the text next to it when creating the exams. 


Grade Type Description*: This is where you can change what the Test Type is called in your grade book.  

Test Pass % *: The percentage a student must achieve to pass a test of that Test Type.


% of Grade *: The weight that test type carries as a percentage of their overall grade for the class.  If you are not using that type or do not want it to count toward the student's overall grade, put the percentage as a 0. 


Offline Grade Type Description *: Any additional assignment categories that are not administered within EMSTesting, but you would like to track within the grade book. Please feel free to add as many as you need.  


Once you are satisfied with your setup, don't forget to Save. 



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