Batch instructors with the appropriate permissions can add or remove students from entire batches of opportunities as one action through batch edit.
Note: This feature does not allow partial additions to a batch. If the student only needs to be added to a portion of the opportunities, the instructor can add the student to individual shifts, or the student can sign up for them manually if that feature is enabled for the shifts.
Adding/Removing Students to an Entire Batch of Opportunities:
1a. Create a batch of opportunities. If you are unsure how to do so, click here for directions on creating batches. After you finish creating your batch you will end back on the Instructor- Manage Opportunities page.
1b. If you have already created the batch of opportunities, navigate to the Manage Opportunities page.
- Start in your Instructor role.
- Click the Opportunities tab and select Manage Opportunities.
2. Click the Edit Batch button.
3. Click Modify Students for the batch you would like to add/remove the student(s).
4. Check the box for the student's name under the Class that will be associated with the opportunities. If you are removing a student(s), uncheck the student.
Note: If there is documentation in process, you will not be able to remove the student. You must modify students from the Manage Opportunities page and remove them from each opportunity individually.
5. After you have selected the student(s), click the Save Changes button at the bottom.