Restricting Access to a Clinical Site (Shared and School Sites) and How Students Request Access to a Restricted Access Locaiton

Some clinical sites require certain documents or criteria to be met before a student is allowed to attend the site. In these situations, there is the option to restrict access to clinical site locations or shared sites, which requires students to submit the documents specified in the note.  


A.  Restricting Access to a School Clinical Site Location 

B.  Restricting Access to a Shared Clinical Site 

C.  Student View and How they Submit their Documents 

D.  How Instructors View and Respond to Student Requests 



A.  Restricting Access to a School Clinical Site Location

This can be done when the clinical site location is created or added at any point after the fact. 


1. Begin in your Admin role for Planner. 

2. Under Courses/Classes/Sites, select Manage School Clinical Sites

5:1 ccs.png


3. Either Add the Clinical Site location or Edit the Clinical Site Location if it already exists. 

  • Adding a new clinical site location:
    • Click the button +Add New Clinical Site Location. 5:1 add button.png
    • Select the Clinical Site the location is within. 5:1 pick site.png
  • Editing an existing location: 
    • Under the Actions column, select Locations for the site within which the location is located. 5:1 locations.png
    • Select Edit for the location you would like to restrict access to.  5:1 edit location.png


4. Check the box Restrict student access until validated.  

5. In the Access Instructions box, let the students know what they need to provide or do to be awarded access to the site. 

5:1 checkbox.png


6. Save and Exit. 

5:1 save.png





B.  Restricting Access to a Shared Clinical Site

Note: Not all shared sites allow the schools to manage restrictions. If the option is not within the shared site Access, you must reach out to the shared site. They can either manage restrictions themselves or give access to the school. 


1. Begin in your Admin role for Planner. 

2. Under Courses/Classes/Sites, select Manage Shared Clinical Sites

5:1 ccs scs.png


3. Locate the shared site you need to restrict access to. 

4. Under Actions, select Access for the shared site. 

5:1 access.png


5. Check the box Validate Access Before Students Can Join Opportunities at This Location for each location within the shared site you need.

6. In the Access Instructions/Requirements for Students box, let the students know what they need to provide or do to be awarded access to the site. 

5:1 ss checkbox1.png


7. Save. 

5:1 save1.png




C.  Student View and How they Submit their Documents. 

For students to request access to a school or shared clinical site, they will attempt to sign up for an opportunity at that location. This will cause a Site Access Request to pop up; they can provide the required information and request access. 


1. Begin in your student role for Planner. 

2. Under Opportunities, click Available Opportunities

5:1 availible.png


3. Select a Class if needed. 

4. Locate an opportunity at the location you must request access to. 

5. Click Sign up under the Actions column. This will cause the Request Site Access page to pop up. 

5:1 student.png


6. Provide the required information by dragging and dropping in the document(s) or clicking the green box to upload them. 

7. Click Request Authorization. 

5:1 request access popup.png




D.  How instructors View and Respond to Student Requests. 

When a student requests access to a site, the instructor will receive an email. Documents are viewed, and access is given to students within the instructor role. 


1. Begin in your instructor role for Planner. 

2. Under Classes/Students, select Manage My Students

5:1 manage my students.png


3. Locate the student you are giving access to. 

4. Under Actions, click Access

5:1 gain access students.png


5. Scroll through the locations until you find the one you need. Click to download and view the document.  

5:1 download.png


6. Add the Student Allowed Between Start and End dates

5:1 dates.png


7. Save at the very bottom. 

5:1 save2.png





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