(Admin) Creating a School Clinical Site

To add opportunities for your students to sign up for, you must first add the sites and their locations to your school. If your clinical site has more than 1 location, you can create as many locations as you would like within each site. 

Note: This is different than adding or creating a shared site.  This is to create sites for local schedules within your school. 


A. Creating a School Clinical Site 

B. Adding Locations to your School Clinical Site



A.  Creating a School Clinical Site

1. Start by logging into your Admin role for Platinum Planner. 

2. Select the Cohorts/Classes/Site option in the red toolbar and click Manage School Clinical Sites. 

3.  Click the button on the right +Add New Clinical Site

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4.  Fill in your Site's information. 

  • Directions: Provide specific directions to your site to help the student navigate effectively.
  • Notes: Any other information the student might need about the site. For example, if parking is not available on-site, suggest nearby parking options.
  • Use these directions/notes as defaults for locations: Check this box if you would like to use the directions and notes for your site locations. If not checked the text will not appear for students. 



5.  Contracts.  Click Save and Refresh to add a Site Contract to the site. For more info on site contracts, click here. 



6.  Save and Exit.  This will return you to the School Admin- Manage School Clinical Sites page. Continue to the directions below if you need to add more locations to the site you just created. 




B.  Adding Locations to your School Clinical Site. 

1.  If you still need to, navigate to the School Admin- Manage School Clinical Sites page.  

  • Log in to your Admin role for Platinum Planner. 

  • Select the Cohorts/Classes/Site option in the red toolbar and click Manage School Clinical Sites.

2.  Click the button on the furthest right, +Add New Clinical Site Location

3.  Fill out the info for the location.  The address info will default from the clinical site once selected.  Change as needed.

  • Allow students to see locations phone number: If students are permitted to call the site directly, check this box. 
  • Directions: Explain how to get to the location. 
  • Notes: Any other information the student might need about the location. 

4.  Click Create Clinical Site Location when finished.  Repeat these steps as many times as needed for each clinical site. 



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