(School) Assessment Testing Info


The Assessment option allows school administrators to accept students into the Assessment Testing phase of a course. This means students will be enrolled in a course but only have access to the assessment tests for that provider level. During this phase, they cannot access linear or adaptive tests. The assessment tests allow the school administrators to better understand who the students are and what they know before officially admitting them into the entire course.  


Cost: Student access to the Assessment phase is $5. This cost does not come off the cost of the full course.

Note: Assessment Tests are also available to students accepted into the course via Full Access.


Assessments Available:

Entry Exam: This assessment helps you understand the student's current knowledge of their program and determine whether remediation is needed.

  • Paramedic Entry Assessments: There are 2 versions of the exam, the Paramedic AEMT Entry Assessment and the Paramedic EMT Entry Assessment. The versions evaluate the student's knowledge of that program. 

Math Assessment: This exam evaluates the student's cognitive abilities related to scientific mathematics and medical calculations before starting an EMS training program. 

Learning Style Assessment: This assessment is designed to identify individuals learning styles so that classroom lectures, hands-on practice, and other experiences can be tailored to your educational preferences.  The questions are frequently scenario-based and require students to answer with their first thought and/or rate it on a sliding scale. 

Professional Characteristic Assessment: This assessment looks at a student's integrity, empathy, self-motivation, appearance and personal hygiene, self-confidence, communication, time management, teamwork and diplomacy, respect, advocacy, and careful service delivery.  

Reading Level Assessment: This assessment requires the student to write a letter or create an essay on why they have selected this potential career path.  They are given a Flesch-Kincaid grade level and additional details based on their writing.  

Student Motivation Assessment:  This assessment identifies a student's motivation for entering the field and creates appropriate incentives for success. 

Test Anxiety: This assessment is designed to identify individuals who may have potential challenges with Test Anxiety. 


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