(Administrator) Allowing a Student to Re-do their Assessment Exam(s)

Assessment tests can be reset for students to retake any of the tests.  However, instead of a "retest", the previous results are deleted to reset the test.  The previous results are not archived. 



Deleting Assessment Test Result: 

1. Login to your Administrator role for EMSTesting or Platinum Tests. 

2. Click on the course that the student is enrolled in. 



3. Click on the Student Assessments button. This will cause a Student Assessments window to appear.

4. Select the student in question from the Select A Student section.



5. When you pick your student their Assessment Results will appear below.  Select the tab corresponding to the test you would like your student to complete again.  This will display their results from that test.



6.  Click the Delete Test button to delete the current results and allow the student retake that exam. 


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