(Student) Creating Opportunities (Individual and Batch)

Depending on the features enabled in the clinical classes by instructors, students can create individual opportunities or batches. Individual opportunities can be created in the past, present, and future, depending on the class settings selected. Up to 30 can be made simultaneously when creating a batch of opportunities. 


A. Creating a Single Opportunity  

B. Creating a Batch of Opportunities


A. Creating a Single Opportunity 

1. Start by clicking your student role for Platinum Planner

2. Under the Opportunities tab, select My Opportunities. 

9:13 my opps.png


3. The +Create Opportunity button will have a dropdown carrot. Click the carrot and select Create Opportunity. 

6:12 create button.png

Note: If you do not see this button, the feature to create opportunities has not been enabled in your clinical class settings. Please reach out to your instructor for help. 


4. Enter the info and settings for the opportunity. 

  • Title: The name that will show for this opportunity. 
  • Description: (optional) An overview of the opportunity. 
  • Class: Select which class the opportunity should be associated with. 
  • Category: This is the hour category that your shift hours will count toward. 
  • Site: Select the place where your opportunity will occur. 
  • Location: The place within the site where your opportunity will take place. Not all sites have multiple locations. Primary may be the only option. 
  • Start Time: The time your opportunity is scheduled to begin. 
  • End Time: The time your opportunity is scheduled to end. 
  • Preceptor: (optional) If the preceptor is already known, you can select a preceptor that will default into your documentation. If that were to change on the day of the opportunity, you can adjust the documentation. 

6:12 settings.png


5. Click the Submit on the bottom right. 


Past/Present Opportunities: If your documentation is for the past or present, it will open up to opportunity documentation, so you can begin to document. 


Future Opporutnities: If it is for the future, it will close, and the opportunity will be in the Upcoming column if the event does not need to be approved. If it does need to be approved, it will be found on the Pending tab on the Student - Find New Opportunities page. 




Creating a Batch of Opportunities 

1. Start by clicking your student role for Platinum Planner

2. Under the Opportunities tab, select My Opportunities. 

9:13 my opps.png


3. The +Create Opportunity button will have a dropdown carrot.  Click the carrot and select Create Opportunity Batch. 

9:13 create batch button.png


4. Enter the basic info for the opportunity batch. 

  • Title: The name that will show for every opportunity of the batch.  
  • Class: Select which class all the opportunities should be associated with. 
  • Category: These are the hours categories in which you are currently allowed to create opportunities.  If a category is disabled, contact your instructor to see if/when that category will be available to you. 
  • Description: (optional) An overview of the batch. 

9:13 title.png


5. Click the Add Opportunities button on the right.

6. Enter in the Settings

  • Site: Select the place where your opportunities will occur. 
  • Location: The place within the site where your opportunities will take place.  Not all sites have multiple locations.  Primary may be the only option. 
  • Start Time: The time your opportunities will begin. 
  • Duration: How long the opportunities are to take place.  
  • Preceptor: (option) If the preceptor is already known, you can select a preceptor that will default into your documentation.  If the day of the opportunity, that were to change, you can adjust the documentation. 

9:13 settings.png


7. Create your schedule, then click Add Selected Dates.  In the calendar, click on the dates you will be at the site for your opportunities.

9:13 calendar.png


8. Double-check your dates.  This can be viewed in a calendar format or a grid format.  Once you have created your schedule you will see a preview of your schedule in the views below. If the preview is incorrect, click the Clear All Opportunities button before clicking on the Create Opportunities button to clear the table and start again.
Note: The maximum number of opportunities you can create at a time is limited to 30.

  • Calendar View: 9:13 calendar view.png
  • Grid View: 9:13 grid view.png


9. Click Create Opportunities

9:13 create.png







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