(School) Turning On Attendance Tracking

Only the school's Primary Contact will have the authority to turn on the attendance tracking feature for your institution. If you are not the Primary Contact for your school, you will have to contact that individual. 


Enabling Attendance Tracking:

(primary contact only)


1. From your main Dashboard, when you first log in, you will click on the My Account link in the black header. This will bring you to your Account Information page. 



2. Click on the Edit School link.



3. Scroll down until you find the Attendance Tracking section. You can turn on as few or as many of the categories as you would like to track. 



4. Once you have made your selections, click the Update School button. 




As an instructor, you and your staff can view Check-ins and Check-Outs via the Manage Attendance tile on your dashboard for any students enrolled in a class you are assigned to as an instructor.







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