(School) Adding School Credit


School credit can be used to pay for student enrollment (if the school is paying instead of the student) and to renew your Testing or AccredAssist license.


Invoice: If you need to be invoiced for a school credit purchase, please call our main number and ask to speak to our accounting department, or you can send your purchase order to accounting@platinumed.com. If you need a quote for a PO before you can be invoiced, please email sales@platinumed.com. Be sure to detail what professions and which programs you intend to use. 


Credit Card: If you are an Administrator in your school, you can add credit to your institution with a credit card or access code online by following these instructions:


Adding Credit with a Credit Card: 

1. On your main dashboard, click the green financial button. It may read as Add School Credit, if not look for that option in the dropdown. This will cause the Add School Credit window to appear.



2. Here you can enter a School Access Code, Student Access Code, or enter your credit card information to add credit to pay for student access or to be used towards EMSTesting or Platinum Tests subscription fees.

3. Once you have entered your code or card info, click Submit.

Note: If you do not know how much credit you need to add, use the Credit Calculator button in the top right corner of the Add School Credit page. 


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