(School) Manage Course Requests [PlatinumEd]

There are 2 ways to approve students enrollment requests and pay for their access. Choose which is easier for you, either straight from the dashboard or from the student tab in edit course. The directions below are straight from the dashboard.

The School Administrator dashboard will show call-outs when new student course enrollment requests have been made. You will see that call-out appear on your dashboard.

Click on the down arrow to show your pending students that have requested enrollment into your course.


Click approve to add the student(s) to the Course, or decline (if needed).

A payment window will come up, it is defaulted to the School Pays window. If the student must pay, click the Student Pays button.

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From the School or Student pay area: choose the Product (based on the product initially selected for the course) you are enrolling the student into and if you have a class group setup (see section above) select that now and click the Submit button.

The student will now be accepted into the Course and NOT show in the Pending Course Enrollments Requests area.


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