(Instructor) Edit Course [PlatinumEd]

If your School Administrator has added you as a Course Admin for a course(s) in your school, you will have the ability to manage the course and will see the Manage Courses call out on your dashboard.


Click on the edit button in the actions column to edit the course.

Your School Administrator has already provided the profession and program this course is in.

9:4 manage course.png

You as a Course Admin, can edit the Course Name, start and end dates and times, and description of the course. 

Note: Only the School Administrator can add additional Course Admins.

Important! The Course Code is listed when you create a course, enable one of the programs, and create at least one class. Give this code to your students to automatically enroll them into this course. This will greatly simplify enrollment for your students!

Enrollment Period Start Date/Enrollment Period End Date: The submission period for enrollment in this course begins on the first date and ends on the last date.  The selected range is when students will be allowed to submit requests to join the course. 

Allow students to message each other: This box checked, allows students to message each other within our message system.

Allow instructors to manage student class enrollments: This box checked, allows instructors in the course to manage student class enrollments.

The yellow Student Verification button is used if your school uses verify students.com for background checks. If you have a Verification Campaign Code for your school, click the student verification button and enter your campaign code. This will require students in the class to go through verify students for a background check before entering the course.

Note: You can also enable verify students in the class if you do not want to use it in the course.

Click Save to continue.

EMSTesting/Platinum Tests Courses Platinum Planner Courses

EMSTesting/Platinum Tests Courses

If the School Administrator enabled EMSTesting/PlatinumTests for the course you are an instructor in, you will have the option to edit the information in the courses from the Manage Courses area on your dashboard.

Click on the tab for the program that the course is enabled for. In this case, Platinum Planner is (not enabled) and we will be editing an EMSTesting course.



In the Settings tab, choose your curriculum then click on the Classes tab.


Click the green New Class button.

For more on creating classes, see the Edit Testing Class article.

Platinum Planner Courses

If the School Administrator enabled one or both programs for the course, you will have the option to edit the information in them.


Click on the tab for the program that the course is enabled for. In this case, EMSTesting is (not enabled) and we will be editing a Platinum Planner course.


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Edit the Settings for your Course.

Age Groups (EMS, Paramedic programs): The Age Group drop-down will default to "Platinum Appendix G," and will follow Newborn (1 hr. to 23 hrs.), Neonate (1 day to 28 days), Infant (more than 28 days less than 1 year}, Toddler (1 year to less than 3 years), Preschooler (3 years to less than 6 years), School Age (6 years to 12 years), Adolescent (more than 12 years, less than 18 years), Adult (18 years to less than 64 years), Geriatric (64 years and greater).

"Platinum Pre-Appendix G" will follow Newborn (1 hour to less than 1 month, 7 hours), Infant (1 month, 7 hours to 1 year), Toddler (More than 1 year to less than 3 years), Preschooler (3 years to less than 6 years), School Age (6 years to less than 12 years), Adolescent (12 years to less than 18 years), Adult (18 years and less than 64 years), Geriatric (64 years and greater).

The check-boxes allow you to customize user features:

Allow students to create preceptors: This box checked, allows students to create preceptors from their account. This is recommended.

Require email for preceptor creation: This box checked, forces students to provide an email address when creating their preceptors. This is recommended.

Utilized Manage Student Categories: Enabling this setting allows instructors and administrators to manage the hours categories that are available for individual students when they are signing up for their opportunities. 

Note: This is only a feature in EMS courses. 

Sequencing Enforcement (for EMS Schools Only): There are 3 options for sequencing.  
1. Do not enforce sequencing: All skills can be documented in any order. 

2. Require Prerequisites before capstone: All skills must be completed before moving on to the capstone clinical opportunities. 

3. Require Prerequisites before capstone and formative before competency: formative requirements for a skill must be completed before moving on to the competency version, then all skills must be completed before moving on to the capstone clinical opportunities.

Enable skill documents: Checking this box will display a PDF version of the skill form where available.

Hours Requirements


In the Hours Requirements tab, you will see hour requirements pre-populated for you, based on the type of Course you created. The system automatically distributes your required clinical and field internship hours.

All active hours’ requirements, skill requirements, and classes will show in green when you select the tab.

If you choose “All” from the Display Only toggle, you will be able to view all-hour requirement categories.

Skill Requirements

(For EMS Only): The top dotted line area is where you can upload or drop your Appendix G Matrix Excel file for importing your school's course skill requirements directly into the skill requirements area.

Audit Skills: The audit skills link looks for possible discrepancies between your courses and classes and lets you know if you need to adjust skills in your course settings. The "average for courses in this program" line shows you what other schools in your same program are setting skill minimums to. cc8.png

In the Skill Requirements tab you will see where Lab Skills, Scenario Skills and your Clinical Skills are set.

Skill Source Display Toggle: This area shows toggles or buttons that can turn skills off and on based on the requirements for the course. In this EMS course example, if you want to display all Appendix G skills, turn off all other skills to view. The same for Custom (School created skills), National Registry and Platinum (Platinum created skills) skills.

Skill Classification Display Toggle: The Appendix G course we are building has 4 different skill classifications. Basic Competency, Basic Competency Scenario, Individual and Individual Scenario. To display the skills in each category, turn on/off skills.

Minimums (Peer and Instructor): The Skill Minimums are automatically set in Platinum Planner based on certification requirements for the program and the program type of the course. The number is a count of the minimum number of times a student must complete a skill in order to meet graduation requirements. Also, a student Peer or Instructor must review the documentation for these skill attempts. Completion of these skills will show in the student Progress Report.

Proficiency: If you would like the student to complete the skill more times than the minimum requirement (listed in the skill minimums above) in order to gain additional experience or confidence in a skill, you can add Proficiency values.

The Proficiency values are the number of successful attempts at a skill you would like to see a student complete out of a number of consecutive attempts. Ex: 3/5 or 3 out of 5 would suggest you would like to see the student successfully complete the skill 3 times out of 5 consecutive attempts before they(or you) might consider them proficient in the skill.

If a student completes the Proficiency benchmarks it will display in their Progress Report when clicking on an individual skill.

Sims Used/Sims Value: The Sims Value is automatically set based on requirements for the program/program type of the course.

The Sims Value is how much each attempt at the skill is worth (ex. If the sims value is 0.50 it means that each successful completion of that skill on a simulated patient is only worth half a point, rather than the whole point they would receive if working on a live human).

Click Save to save your entered course information.

For more on creating classes, see the Edit Planner Class article.


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