(School) Edit Classes [PlatinumEd]

EMSTesting/Platinum Tests Classes Platinum Planner Classes

EMSTesting/Platinum Tests Classes

Schools can Manage and Create new Classes from the my.platinumed dashboard under Manage Courses for all our products. Click on the Manage Courses call-out to show the Manage Course Listing area.
Your Courses contain all your Classes.
Click Edit in the Actions column.
Go to the EMSTesting or Platinum Tests tab and click on the Classes tab.
To create a new Class, click on the green New Class button on the top right.
Give your Class a Name, choose Instructors, Class Begin and End Dates, Curriculum (if needed) and a Class Description/Summary.
Click the Save button to save your new Class and continue.
You will see a notification that your class has been created on the top right in green. You will then see the tabs for Segments, Grade Book, Students, Tests and Adaptive.
Segments Tests
Grade Book Adaptive


On the Segments tab, enter the name of the first semester in the top line under name. Then prior to entering the end date of the first segment jot down the end date currently listed. Overwrite the end date of line one with the end date of your first semester/segment.

Enter the name of the second semester, start date, end date, and then select the green "+" sign.


Repeat this process until you reach the original end date. When done click the Save button.

Grade Book

The Grade Book tab is where you enter in the values that you would like the program to use to automatically grade your tests and populate the grade book for the class.

Note: This is very important to do before students begin testing. If this tab is not filled out or filled out incorrectly it can result in students seeing incomplete or inaccurate grades.

If you do not want "Other" you can delete it by selecting the red "X" to add additional grade type descriptions. We recommend you keep "Other" for special projects, homework, etc.

You can also enter custom descriptions in the open line and select the "+" sign to add them. This is the place if you would like to add new descriptions to the grade book!

You must enter a class passing percentage.

You can also use raw scores instead of cut- score based grading. Not recommended.

Raw Scores are a straight percentage of questions answered correctly. Cut Score based grading considers the difficulty of the material being tested on, grades the students accordingly, and is a far more accurate representation of student competency levels.


On the Students tab, you will see all the students who have been accepted in to that class. Those in green are your active students and those in red are your flagged/dropped students.

Add Extra Test Time for a Student in EMSTesting/Platinum Tests: This feature gives a student extra time on both static and adaptive tests in EMSTesting/Platinum Tests. Click on the student name on the left (with down arrow) in the list to expand the extra test time area. Example: You can enter 50 (to give the student 50% more time). On a test that is set for 60 minutes, the student you select to give more time to would be allowed 90 minutes.

Click the reverse enrollment link to reverse the enrollment for a student. Note: You can only reverse enrollment for a student that has not yet paid for the class.

Click the Save button once your changes have been made.


On the Tests tab, you will see all tests associated with the class. Click the red Add Test to Class button.


This page will list all tests available for this class, click the add button next to the test you would like to add.


Once you have clicked the add button you will see a list of settings that you will have to set for your test. Fill out all information that you would like the test to contain. See the explanation of the fields below. Remember to click save once you have your test settings completed.

Start Date and Start Time – This is the earliest a student can start taking the test.

End Date and End Time – This is the latest a student can start taking the test. Test results are only available after this date and time setting. The test end date can be moved either forward or backward. You would move the ending date forward because all students had completed the test early. You would move a test end date back to accommodate a student who was absent or missed a test.

Start/Resume Limit – This setting limits the number of times a student can login, logout and login again. Since this includes internet service interruptions we suggest you leave this setting to unlimited unless you are administering the test in a controlled environment.

Minutes Allowed – This is the length of time you will allow the students to take the test. This timer begins upon selecting the first question and does not stop if a student logs out.

Enable Previous Button – If you allow students to answer prior questions they can back up but WILL be required to re-answer all questions that were backed over. This box will turn yellow with a warning when selected because selecting this may invalidate your test results.

Student Test Result Detail Level - This provides four categories of test results. Level 1- Score Only Review shows cut/raw score, passing score, then indicates pass or fail. Levels 1,2- Extended Review shows time on test, and results based on: Reading Level, Bloom Level, Cut Score, National Registry, and Educational Standard. Levels 1,2,3 - Curriculum Breakdown Review shows results based on the National Curriculum. Levels 1,2,3,4 - Full Question/Answer/Annotation Review allows the students to see the questions, and by selecting more, the choices, the key, their choice, and the rationale.

Student Test Password - By entering a password into this line, the student or test proctor will need to enter the password when requested prior to actually beginning the test.

Require Platinum Secure Testing - When students use Platinum Secure Testing, they are unable to print, copy, go to another URL, or access other applications. Checking Require Platinum Secure Testing will require your students to download software onto their computers, which is available before they begin their test(s). Click the red question mark icon for more information. Students can do secure testing on an iPad. More information about Platinum Secure Testing on an iPad.

Show Student Results Immediately - By selecting this box you are asking that the students receive their results immediately upon completion of their test.

(Note: Because this can occur prior to any of the other students even starting, this box will turn yellow with a warning when selected because selecting this may invalidate your test results and is not recommended).

 Click the Save button. You should now see the test listed in your tests currently associated with this class.


On the Adaptive tab, Set the Test Limit. A value of 0 means there is no limit.

Select the modules you would like to set for the class. We show all the curriculum's for the current provider level.

Click the Save button.


Platinum Planner Classes

Schools can Manage and Create new Classes from the my.platinumed dashboard under Manage Courses for all our products. Click on the Manage Courses call-out to show the Manage Course Listing area.
Click Edit in the Actions column.
Go to the Platinum Planner tab and click on the Classes tab.

Your Courses contain all your Classes.


Click the green New Class button.


Give your class a Name, choose Class Type, class Class Description and Start and End Dates.

Course Code: This unique code (code shown is an example only) can be given to students to help them get into the course and class without having to search for it when enrolling.

Documentation Due In (Hours): You can choose how many hours after a clinical/field opportunity has ended for documentation to be due in the by entering an amount here in hours. The default is automatically set to “0”, meaning there is no set amount of time after an opportunity completes that clinical/field documentation is due.

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Depending on the features selected, additional boxes can appear for additional settings.  Settings will vary by class type. 

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Allow students to create opportunities in the past/present: This box checked allows students to create their own opportunities in the past or present.

Allow Students to create opportunities in the future: This allows students to create opportunities in the future. 

  • Automatically accept students into future opportunities: This setting eliminates the need for instructors to approve student-created opportunities in the future.
  • Allow students to create batch opportunities: Students can create a batch of up to 30 opportunities at one time. 
  • Restrict students to created Lab/Simlation opportunities only: Students can only create Lab/Simulation opportunities. 

Include built-in surveys during documentation: This setting allows you to select the default grading process for student documents in clinical/field classes if you give the students the ability to create their own opportunities. If "no" is selected, Platinum's Affective surveys will not appear for students to fill out for any clinical/field opportunities they create. 

Require clinical check in: Students will be required to check in before they can begin documentation. 

Require clinical check out: Students will be required to check out before they can submit documentation. 

Set early/late check in/out ranges: When set, users can set a range for check in/out. If a student checks in/out outside of the range a warning indicator will appear while reviewing the student's documentation. 

  • Check-in/out (Minutes) Early/Late: If the student exceeds the number set, an indicator will appear in the documentation when the instructor reviews the documentation. 

Use form default values: Some form's fields (multiple choice, dropdown, rating) allow default values to be pre-selected.  Not  using default values will require users to specify a response rather than using a default value that may have been set up for that field. 

Disable skill forms: Some skills have forms associated with them.  When a skill with a form attached is selected, that form automatically appears as part of the student's documentation.  Checking this box will prevent skill forms from displaying when the skills are selected. 

Include global PCR PDF during clinical documentation: PlatinumEd provides a global PCR PDF form for students to use during clinicals. Enable this option if you want to have it available during student clinical documentation.
Enable batch sim grading: Allow instructors to create, document, and grade sim documentation for students as a group in this class. 

Enable bulk updates: Allow instructors to approve, reject, or return documentation for students as.a group in this class. 

Allow Student Low Performance Notifications: When checked, the Clinical Evaluation Worksheet filled out by the preceptor for the student will trigger a notification if the students didn't meet the benchmark value.  

  • Low Performance Benchmark Percent: the percentage that you require students to recieve in order to pass the evaluation. 
  • Note: the default is 60 as that is what a student with an average of 3 of 5 would score. 
Require instructors to apply their signature before approving student documentation: This box checked, gives your school instructors a chance to sign off on student documentation before approval.

Allow preceptors/Allow Students to view preceptor comments: Checking either of these boxes will allow either the preceptor or student or both (if both checked) to view any preceptor comments made.

Allow students to view preceptor notes: This setting allows students to view preceptor notes that are entered by the preceptor during the documentation completion process. 

Allow students to assign a preceptor to each patient: This allows students to add a different preceptor to each patient if it is different than the preceptor assigned to the opportunity. 

Allow preceptors to sign student documentation: This box checked, allows preceptors to sign off on student documentation.

  • Allow students to observe patients after a preceptor has signed documentation:This box checked, allows students to observe patients after a preceptor has signed off on their documentation.
  • Allow students to upload documents after a preceptor has signed documentation:This box checked, allows students to upload documents after a preceptor has signed off on their documentation.
  • Allow students to fill out forms after a preceptor has signed documentation: This box checked, allows students to fill out forms after a preceptor has signed off on their documentation.
Click the Save button. You will now see the options of assigning additional Settings, Instructors, Skill Requirements, Forms and Students to the class.


On the Instructors tab, click the "Display All" toggle on the top right if you do not have any instructors listed.


Click the checkbox under the Enabled column to choose the instructor(s) you want to have access to the class and any student documentation associated with it.

 Skill Requirements

The Skill Requirements tab allows your school to set skill requirements for your class.


Instructor Minimums: The Instructor Minimums are automatically set based on program type, course requirements and class type. Minimums are set to the minimum number of times a student must successfully complete a skill in the class and have the instructor review the documentation. 

Proficiency: If you would like the student to complete the skill more times than the minimum requirement in order to gain additional experience or confidence in a skill, you can add Proficiency values.

The Proficiency values are the number of successful attempts at a skill you would like to see a student complete out of a number of consecutive attempts. Ex: 3/5 or 3 out of 5 would suggest you would like to see the student successfully complete the skill 3 times out of 5 consecutive attempts before they(or you) might consider them proficient in the skill.

Sims Used/Sims Value: The Sims Value is automatically set and is for students that are using simulations of a person to attempt a skill.

The Sims Value is how much each attempt at the skill is worth (ex. If the sims value is 0.50 it means that each successful completion of that skill on a simulated patient is only worth half a point, rather than the whole point they would receive if working on a live human).


The forms tab contains all forms associated with the Class and if you want to have the student or the preceptor complete them by checking the boxes next to the forms. Click the "Display All" toggle on the top right if you do not have any forms listed.

For more on creating custom forms, see Manage Forms in Platinum Planner.


The students tab shows all students enrolled in the class and any enrollment requests for the class.

Note: When adding students to classes, click the Display All toggle on the top right to see all students


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