Instructions to give to your students can be found on your main dashboard of our site. (
Student Sign Up Directions:
1. Locate your program manuals tile on the dashboard.
2. Click the download for PlatinumEd Dashboard - Student Sign-up Directions.
3. Edit the document as needed before distributing to students.
(School Administrators also have access to this document but your program manuals tile is one of your black and gray tiles rather than the instructors black and green tiles pictured below).
It is a simple word file that can be downloaded, edited, and distributed to your students. You will want to make sure that the places in the document that are enclosed in the braces are updated with the appropriate text before you pass the instructions onto the students. For example, there is a place for the name of your school as it appears in the program and a spot for the date you want the students to sign up by.