(Student) Unable to Resume my Exam

Before beginning your test, you will see the Testing Instructions page whenever you take a linear test through our program. This is where your test’s parameters are conveyed to you. Information such as when this test is available to you, if there is a time limit, resume limit, or if the test must be completed using Platinum Secure Testing.


If you cannot resume a test, you have likely reached one of these restrictions placed on your test by your instructor.


For example, if you try to restart a test outside of the availability of your test, reached your time limit, or left your test and reached your Resume Limit,  you will not be able to resume that test.


The Platinum Educational Group Support Team does not have the authority to adjust these settings. If you need to have these settings altered so you can resume your test, you will want to consult your instructor.


If you are having trouble resuming your linear test due to issues with Platinum Secure Testing check out our troubleshooting suggestions found here.


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