(School) Removing an Instructor in EMSTesting or Platinum Tests

In the program, we don’t give you the ability to "delete" instructors who are no longer with the school. However, you can disable their access to their role. 


Disabling Instructors in EMSTesting or Platinum Tests: 

1. Login to your Administrator role for EMSTesting or Platinum Tests. 

2. From your Administrator home page, scroll to the Current Instructors section and click on the person’s name. Then select the Edit Instructor button.



3. Clicking this button will bring up a pop-up window where you can deselect the checkbox Instructor Account Enabled

4. Click Save. 


Once you have done this, the instructor will be displayed in the Disabled tab. 


Note: If the Instructor needs the role reinstated, you can go back in and recheck the Instructor Account Enabled box, which will re-enable that instructor and cause them to appear as a Current Instructor again.







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