(Preceptor) Enrolling into a Cohort as a Preceptor


When preceptor accounts are initially created, they cannot enroll in cohorts as students using the same preceptor account. However, it is possible to maintain the same account for your student role with some assistance from the Platinum Support Team.


Starting from Scratch: 

The support team will create a student role for you and then merge that into your existing account.  Please provide the support team with either your cohort code or the name of your school and your cohort's name. This will enable them to simultaneously activate the student account and submit your enrollment request.


Already Created a Separate Student Account:

This is possible if you've previously set up a separate student account and wish to merge it with your preceptor account. When you contact our support team, please provide them with the email addresses linked to both accounts and specify which email you prefer to be your primary login and messaging email.




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