If a student has dropped out of a program, the school can remove them from the course by dropping them. This allows the school to remove the student from all classes and platforms at once. This action is reversible.
Note: If the student was dropped due to a transfer performed by a Platinum team member, you will have to contact support for help to undo the drop. Only Platinum can un-drop transferred students.
A. Flagging vs. Dropping a Student
B. How to Drop Your Student from a Course
A. Flagging vs. Dropping a Student:
Drop: Dropping a student removes them from the course and all the classes at once. Dropped students do not appear in any reports. If the school uses AccredAssist, dropping the student will affect attrition after the selected date has passed.
Note: If you need to run a report on a dropped student, you will have to un-drop them to do so.
Flag: The General Report can be run on flagged students. The flagged student(s) will not affect AccredAssist's attrition reports. If a student only needs to be removed from a class and not an entire course, you can flag them in just the class and not the course.
For more information on how to flag a student, the effects on your course, and future events in Planner click here.
B. How to Drop Your Student from a Course:
1. Edit your course. This is done through the main dashboard.
- On the main my.platinumed dashboard, click the grey and black tile Manage Courses.
- Locate the course the student needs to be removed from and click edit.
2. Click the Students tab.
3. Locate the student and click Drop under Actions.
4. Fill out the info for the dropped student.
- Select a Reason for Dropping: This is why the student is being removed from the course.
- Select a Drop Date for the student indicating when the student was dropped from the course.
- (Optional) Comments: Please feel free to leave a comment. Once this is finalized, this note will be included in the notice emailed to the student.
5. Verify you have selected the correct student and information and want to drop the student by clicking OK. Once the student is dropped, they will be moved to the Dropped Students listings.