(Admin) Controlling Instructor Permissions

Instructor accounts have the option to limit the permissions of that role. This allows an admin to limit that instructor's abilities within that role. This can be done when the instructor role is created or by editing a user's role later. Instructors can also send requests to have their permissions adjusted. 

A. Permissions 

B. Managing Instructor Permission Requests 

C. Managing Instructor Permission Requests 


A. Permissions


When limiting permissions, you can hover over the question mark ? to see a full explanation of what that permission does. Unchecking an area will remove that area's access entirely, or unchecking categories within that area will remove that small section of that area entirely. 

Areas of Access: 

  • Student
  • Preceptor 
  • Opportunity
  • Lab
  • Scenario
  • Report
  • Form
  • Clinical Site User



B.  Managing Instructor Permission Requests

1. Login to Platinum Planner through your Admin role. 

2. Select Manage Instructors Permissions under the Manage Users/Requests tab.   


3. The Pending tab will show any pending requests you have.  Click View under Actions to review the request. 


4. You will see the permissions the instructor has requested to be added to their abilities highlighted in green. It will be highlighted in red if they have requested something be removed. 


5. Approve or Reject the request. You can leave a comment in the comment box if you would like. 




C.  Editing a User's Instructor Role to Change their Permissions

1. Login to Platinum Planner through your Admin role. 

2. Select Manage Instructors under the Manage Users/Requests tab. 


3. Click edit under Actions across from the instructor you would like to change the permissions an instructor has.  

4. Click the Permissions tab. 

5. Check any permissions you would like to give the instructor and uncheck any you want to remove. Unchecking an entire area will remove the whole section of access.  

6. Save at the bottom. 


Note: Modified instructor permissions may not be applied until the next time the instructor's login is refreshed.



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