(School) Enabling Testing (Creating and Cloning Testing Courses)

After your course is created, you can enable EMSTesting or Platinum Tests any time before or after students have enrolled.  

Note: Payment has to be made for students to have access. 


Enabling EMSTesting or Platinum Test: 

1. Begin by editing the course.

  • Through the main Platinumed Dashboard: 
    • Once logged in, stay on the main dashboard. 
    • Click the dropdown for the grey and black tile Manage Courses
    • Locate the course and click edit under the Actions column. 
    • 2_10_edit_dash.png


2. Select the tab EMSTesting(not enabled) or Platinum Tests(not Enabled)

3. Click the long green button to Enable Testing.  2_17_enable.png


4. Click the drop-down How would you like to proceed? and select the option you would prefer. Click the drop-down to select if you want to Create a New Course or Clone an Existing Course.  

  • Create a New Course
    • Under the Settings tab select the Curriculum for the course.  This can be changed later and will not affect test creation or Computer Adaptive Testing. 2_17_new_course.png
  • Cloning an Existing course: 
    • Check the box for the classes you want to add to this course and rename them. This will transfer all the settings to the new class from the previous class selected. You can make any changes after creation if you need to. 


    • Note: When a class is cloned, the tests from the previous class will carry over into the new class. However, the start/end dates for the exams will be set beyond the end date of the class, as the system has no way of knowing when you would like to administer them.

5. Save when finished. This will enable EMSTesting or Platinum Tests and the Edit Course Platinum Planner page to appear. You can make any additional changes to the course or class you would like from the defaulted settings. At this point, you will be able to add students to Testing.


If you need help adding Platinum Planner to students who have already been enrolled, click here


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