As an instructor, scores can be added for tests administered offline to the grade book to be calculated in the same categories as tests taken online.
Adding Offline Tests to the Grade Book:
1. Login to your Instructor role for EMSTesting or Platinum Tests.
2. Click on your class From your Instructor home page, and then select View Grade book.
3. Click +Add New Assignment near the top-right of the page. This will cause an Add Assignment window to appear.
4. Fill out the required fields:
- Name: name of the exam.
- Date: the day that it was due.
- Type: the dropdown will allow you to select how this assignment should be categorized within your Grade Type Descriptions from that particular class.
- Default Percentage (optional field): allows Instructors to assign a score to the assignment, which will give all students that grade for that assignment. The defaulted value can still be changed for individual students by editing individual student scores.
- This option can be particularly helpful if adding an assignment for attendance or class participation, where everyone may have gotten 100%, rather than changing each “0” to a “100” manually.