(School) Students are Added to Course, but Not in Class

Both EMSTesting and Platinum Planner have classes included in the course. This means that if a student is accepted into the course, they pay for it but may still need to enroll in the classes within it. When schools approve student enrollment requests, unless they have created Class Groups within their course, they have two options to enroll students into classes: All Classes or No Classes.  



When All Classes is selected, the student will be enrolled into all of the classes created within the course. If No Classes is selected, the student will only be enrolled in the course, limiting their access to tests and documentation. So, if you know that a student has been accepted into the course but do not see them in the class, this indicates that they still need to be accepted into the class(es). 


A. Student Requests Enrollment into the Class

B. Instructor Manually Enrolls the Student(s) into a Class 



A.  Student Requests Enrollment into the Class

When a student has not been enrolled in a class, a notification will display on their main dashboard upon sign in. 



1. Students need to select the Enroll tile from the main dashboard to submit enrollment requests into their classes. 


2. Once selected, a pop-up window will open, listing the available classes for enrollment. The student will place a checkmark beside each class they wish to request enrollment for, and then click Submit Enrollment at the bottom of the window. 


3. Accepting the student: A school administrator can then approve their requests on their main dashboard the same way they accept course enrollment requests.

  • When there are pending class enrollments, select the Manage Class Requests drop-down.
  • Displayed here will be the student's name, program level, the name of the course, and the name of the class. Select Approve to add them to the class roster. 




B.  Instructor Manually Enrolls the Student(s) into a Class

1. On your main dashboard, select Manage Courses to see a list of your active courses.

2. Select to edit the course where the student is enrolled. 



3. Once on the Edit Course page, you will select either the EMSTesting or Platinum Planner tab, depending upon the type of class you're trying to add your student to.

4. Select the Classes sub-tab and select edit for the class that you need to add the student to.  



5. Select the Students tab. 

  • For Planner: Toggle the display to show your Inactive students. From here, you will see your Course Students Not In This Class and can select the add to class option from the actions column. 
  • mceclip7.png
  • For EMSTesting: Any students not added to the class with be listed at the bottom of the page. Select add to class for each student you would like to add. 
  • 10_7_emst.png


Note: If no students are listed here and they are not listed as active students for the class/course, they have likely not completed their course enrollment.










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