In our programs, a Course is the overarching sum of all of the classes for a given student, from day one to graduation. Classes are inside a Course, and there can be one or multiple classes that make up a Course.
A student enrolled in a Paramedic course in Platinum Planner (ex. "Paramedic 2020-2021") would likely be enrolled in a Lab class, a Clinical class, and a Field Internship Capstone class within that course.
A course within EMSTesting (ex. "EMT Fall 2020") might have a single class named the same thing as the course, or it may have multiple classes within it (ex. "EMT 1st Semester", "EMT 2nd Semester" or "M/W Class", "T/TR Class", etc.), where the student may need to enroll in all, or just some, of the classes.
If the school only uses EMSTesting, students will pay for only EMSTesting access for their course. They will be able to sign up for as many classes as they need to within that course. They will not be asked to pay again unless they sign up for a new course.
If the school is only using Platinum Planner, students will pay for only the Platinum Planner access for the course. They will be able to sign up for as many classes as they need to within that course, and they will not be asked to pay again unless they sign up for a new course.
For schools using EMSTesting and Platinum Planner, Courses can contain classes for both programs. Those students will need to pay for both Platinum Planner access and EMSTesting access for the course. They will not be asked to pay again unless they sign up for a new course.