To be compliant with ADA guidelines, we have a feature that will allow you to award a specific student additional test time whenever they encounter timed tests in EMSTesting or Platinum Tests.
Note: To set up the student’s Extra Test Time they must be accepted into a course and class in your school. This setting can only be activated by a School Administrator or a Course Administrator associated with the course the student is enrolled in.
Adding Additional Test Time to a Students Test Settings:
1. To set the student's Extra Test Time you will want to start from your main Dashboard when you first login to the site, where you will click on the Manage Courses tile.
2. Locate the course the student is enrolled in and click the edit option to the right of the course.
3. Select the EMSTesting tab, then click the Classes tab and find the class the student is enrolled in. 4. Click edit to the right of the class name. This will bring you to the Edit Class page
5. Click on the Students tab.
6. Locate the student in the class list. Click on the downward arrow to the left of the student's name. A panel will appear where you can enter the percentage of extra time the student is permitted.
7. Click Save.