(Admin) Assessment Testing: Enrollment, Viewing Tests, Approving/Declining Students

The Assessment option allows school administrators to accept students into the Assessment Testing phase of a course.  After reviewing the test results, admins can approve or decline students for Full Access. The assessment route is optional; you can just approve students for the full course right from the initial enrollment.

Note: There is no need to create a separate course for the assessment tests.  

If you would like more information on the Assessment Testing Phase and the tests included, click here. 


A. Enrolling Students in the Assessment Only. 

B. Viewing your Students' Assessment Tests Results. 

C.  Approving/Declining Students for Full Access. 



A.  Enrolling Students in the Assessment Only

1. Have students enroll in the course normally. They will create their student accounts and enroll in the course using the school and course name or course code. Once the student submits their enrollment, you will see the enrollment requests on your dashboard. 

2. Locate the enrollment requests. This can be done either through the main dashboard or the course. 

  • Main Dashboard:
    • Click the grey and black tile Manage Course Requests.  
    • Select Approve. This will trigger the accept enrollment page to pop up.  If the student enrolled in the incorrect course, Decline the enrollment and make a note to the student that they have selected the incorrect course. 1_27_manage_courses.png
    • Select who is paying for the Assessment Only testing phase. School Pays to use school credit, or Student Pays for student payments.
    • Click the checkbox for EMSTesting|Assessment $5.00.  
    • Submit. 1_27_assmt_only_submit.png


  • Through the Course:
    • Edit your course. This can be done through the main dashboard or your Admin role. 
    • Select the Students tab. 
    • Under the Actions column, select Approve. This will trigger the accept enrollment page to pop up. If the student enrolled in the incorrect course, Decline the enrollment and make a note to the student that they have selected the incorrect course.1_27_students_tab.png
    • Select who is paying for the Assessment Only testing phase. School Pays to use school credit, or Student Pays for student payments.
    • Click the checkbox for EMSTesting|Assessment $5.00.  
    • Submit. 1_27_assmt_only_submit.png

3. Once payment is made by either the school or the student, the student will have access to their Assessment Exams in their student role. 



B. Viewing your Students' Assessment Tests Results

1. Select your Admin role.

2. Select the dropdown for the Course 

3. Select the icon Student Assessments


4. Click the student's name you would like to view the results for. 

5. Click the different tabs to view the results for each test they took. 1_27_student_results.png

Note: If you want to allow the student to retake the test, click Delete Test.  Their previous results will not be saved.



C. Approving/Declining Students for Full Access

1. Locate the enrollment requests. This can be done either through the main dashboard or the course. 

  • Main Dashboard:
    • Click the grey and black tile Manage Course Requests.   1_27_manage_courses.png
  • Through the Course: 
    • Edit your course. This can be done through the main dashboard or your Admin role. 
    • Select the Students tab. 
    • 1_27_assmt_only_submit.png

3. Select either Approve or Decline

  • Approve: This will trigger the accept enrollment page to pop up.  1_27_students_tab.png
    • Select who is paying for the Full EMSTesting course access. School Pays to use school credit or Student Pays for student payments.
    • Click the checkbox for EMSTesting|Full Access. Check Platinum Planner as well if you are utilizing that software. 
    • Submit. Students will have access to full assessments once payment is made. 


  • Decline: Decline the enrollment and make a note to the student if desired.   1_27_decline.png
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